Harnesses are safe. But as you have seen, they are more of a control mechanism than a training tool. Their intent is greatly misunderstood. They are best used to control young puppies who aren't yet mature enough to handle rigorous obedience training and positive punishment corrections. Online Essay Help They control the behavior, hurting the dog's leverage to prevent them from succesfully controlling the situation by pulling on the leash, until they can be trained properly. They are not really designed as a long term fix for this problem in more mature dogs. Unfortunately, alot of people have dogs that require more of a physical correction than they have the stomach for, so they resort to things like harnesses and flexi-leads and settle for controlling the behavior rather than stopping it.
Harnesses Keep Dogs Safe & Comfortable During Grooming
Alina . 2017-08-25 14:10:22
Harnesses are safe. But as you have seen, they are more of a control mechanism than a training tool. Their intent is greatly misunderstood. They are best used to control young puppies who aren't yet mature enough to handle rigorous obedience training and positive punishment corrections. Online Essay Help They control the behavior, hurting the dog's leverage to prevent them from succesfully controlling the situation by pulling on the leash, until they can be trained properly. They are not really designed as a long term fix for this problem in more mature dogs. Unfortunately, alot of people have dogs that require more of a physical correction than they have the stomach for, so they resort to things like harnesses and flexi-leads and settle for controlling the behavior rather than stopping it.