Soft Lines, Inc. is located in Ashland, Wisconsin on the shores of Lake Superior. We manufacture dog leashes and collars, long dog leashes, horse lead ropes, boat dock lines and many other products for the canine, fishing and hunting markets. Using soft multifilament polypropylene rope in a variety of colors and diameters we custom manufacture the product to your specifications. We try to meet the needs of each market by offering a wide range of product selections and styles. Soft Lines, Inc. is located in Ashland, Wisconsin on the shores of Lake Superior.
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Thanks again, great job on the 2 foot leash for Stanley. He was the ring bearer and he did an excellent job. The kids decided to retire the leash as a keep-sake from the wedding. Again, great job. Next year I’ll be going for 4 new dock lines for the boat (can’t afford them after this wedding).